And We’re Live!

Hello Friends,

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to have a workshop in person. I understand that it’s sometimes better to be online so you have people in different places, time zones and who would otherwise not be able to attend. It’s the pivot so many people made, from yoga studios to corporate meetings. But there’s something about having creative people working in a place together. And this workshop was something that I couldn’t really have taught online. If I’m honest, I don’t think I could have delivered a very good experience. So, I waited it out and found something I was inspired to teach and take people along with me and it turned out to be a great day.

Despite above average temperatures, we were shaded, open air and hydrated. By the end of the 3+ hours everyone had taken away something of value in the way of learning, mindset and creative art practice. I was happy that they were happy. That’s the best feeling when you deliver experiences such as these. I’m not sure I’d feel that way if I had done it virtually, and this workshop didn’t fit that model.

Here’s some pictures from the day and comments from the artists who attended.

Nature inspired mark making.

Black and White marks were our starting point.

Everyone found something to make their unique marks.

Adding layers…

so that we could reveal and conceal our marks.

Less control makes for interesting marks.

One of a kind - that’s what we love about art!

And now we consider composition. A great exercise in noticing what we love and what we can do without. Less is more.

Susan had some kind words that summed it up and helped me realize that I had delivered something to be proud of.

“From conception to production, this nature inspired workshop was a joy. The materials and implements provided by Claude contributed to the students' feelings of freedom and surety, just what an artist needs.”

I hope to offer another workshop in the near future. It was such a pleasure to be among other creatives and have something of value to offer them.

Thanks for checking out the blog. Feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Have a creative week,



When Inspiration Strikes


It’s All in a Name