Regaining a Fresh Perspective

The Rim Trail 13” X 13”

I was in my studio, just looking around. I have a lot going on in there. Currently, 16 paintings are underway - a series for an upcoming show. I also have 10 art quilts going. I was getting a bit stuck with the work because I kept doing what I know how to do - paint, splatter, add a pattern, stitch, etc. I love my creative work and I am always looking to push it further.

Realizing that I needed a fresh perspective in order to make these pieces “more” than I usually made, I decided to regain my beginner’s mind. Beginner’s mind is a meditation term that often means look at everything as if you are seeing it for the first time. Delight in wonder - have a childlike curiosity. Trust that whatever you know, you know nothing.

Of course, I know what materials and tools I have and I know how to use them. So, to boost my creative muscle I decided to try something completely new. Line dancing.

Yup, that’s right line dancing. I’ve never done it before. EVER. As luck would have it, I mentioned it to two people and within minutes, I had a Facebook post with details of weekly line dancing within a 10 minutes drive. If that’s not the Universe sending out support, I don’t know what more of a sign I could ask for.

Yesterday, I went to my first line dancing class - I guess it was a class, but really it was just a dance. I knew nothing - and everything was new - the names of the steps, the steps, the sequences and the people. I LOVED IT! I learned, I messed up, I laughed at myself and everyone there supported and encouraged me.

Today, I went into my studio and my work took on a whole new perspective. I let go of knowing where the work was going and I used a lot of paint to make bold changes to the paintings. Are they done? No. But, they are far more interesting than they were yesterday.

Will I go back to line dancing? Absolutely, what a fun and healthy environment. There are thousands of dances and it would take a lifetime to learn all of them - I imagine it is fodder for beginner’s mind for quite some time. (And it’s fun!)

How about you? What are you willing to try that you’ve never done before? Whatever it is, be willing and able to laugh at yourself. Honestly, if you take yourself too seriously that magic of childlike wonder will find someone else to bless with its graces.

I’d love to hear from you about what you tried. Also notice how you feel once you get back to that project you were stuck on.

Thanks for checking out the blog. I wish you a fresh, creative perspective on your week. You have my support and encouragement to try something new.


Earth Spirals 38” X 38”


Reviewing Your Work


The 100 Piece Project