The Year in Review
Mysterious Forces
You can pick any day to look back and see what you did over the course of a year but, the start of a new calendar year seems like as good a time as any. It’s when I take some time to reflect on what I have accomplished and then figure out where I’d like to go. It’s not as much as a New Year’s resolution as it is an annual performance assessment. But when you are your own boss, you have to do it yourself or decide to wander aimlessly.
Here are a few questions that I find useful and if you find them (or your own version of them) useful, I hope you will take the time to sit down and have a think about them.
What went well for me this year? What did I consider wins? What felt really good to do (or not do)?
What made these things possible? (Risks, boundaries, problem solving, commitment, focus)
Which of these things do I want to continue? Which of these things have served their purpose and I am ready to move on?
What do I want to explore, add or experiment with this coming year?
What would I have to do to make these possible?
Personally, I had a few wins this year. First, I committed to this newsletter and it arrived every week for the entire year. Each week I had content in the form of a blog post, YouTube video, new work, or (hopefully) inspiring content. I also increased the number of shows I did from one to two. Sounds like a small jump but, this year I am considering making it three. Rather than overwhelming myself, I’m adding (and subtracting) things in small increments. I know that if I overcommit, I might burn out. Slow growth will lead me to the tipping point of my capacity without leaving me exhausted and creatively blocked.
To make these things happen took commitment, organization, systematizing tasks, time management and risking rejection from submitting to bigger shows. For now, I am comfortable with one weekly newsletter and looking at three shows. But creativity dies in the comfort zone, so next year I will be looking at adding some things. I’m not ready to drop the newsletter, the videos or blog posts. But I am ready to explore new creative projects in my studio. I’m lining up some ideas and will see where they take me.
As far as exploring and experimenting, I have a lot of old work that I no longer like. Some will get tossed. Others will get reworked and still others will get sanded down, gessoed and painted over. I want to explore a different style of collage and I plan to purchase as few supplies as possible in order to give myself some boundaries. We’ll see where it takes me - and honestly, I’m excited to find out.
In order to make room for the new experiments and ideas, I have been decluttering my house, mind and schedule. It’s amazing how clearing out a drawer, closet or unused item brings in space for creative output. I also have cleared, as much as possible, my time spent doing things or being with people who drain my energy. This leaves me with a lot more time and energy to delve into my own interests and spend time with people who energize and uplift me.
I realize I have answered these questions relative to my art practice. However, they suit just about any aspect of your life. I hope they inspire you to reflect on what has been serving you well and ditch what has been an unnecessary drain on your time, energy and attention. It takes awareness and a mindful review. Only then, with a bit of discernment, can you make the upcoming year a time you are moving into with an energized commitment.
Snowy Range Acrylic on Canvas